Thank you for speaking up & speaking this out to query Elon! I am done with the hate on Twitter....when I get a threatening response from what looks like a lone young kid with a mask & guns on the profile I then see that isolated angry confused young kid out there that has that AR-15. I could have just been nasty tweeted by the next mass murderer. VERIFIED ACCOUNTS IS POSITIVE ACTION; ELON PLS TAKE NOTE! The energy of Twitter matters to the Collective Consciousness!🔵🔴=🟣


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And I forgot to mention that I just cannot give Elon $11 current rate!

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Maybe the biggest headline of the morning (I said, scratching my head)! I think many of us are of the same headspace re Musk-is he an enigma or just another SM opportunist? Tech genius, savant troll who’s likely somewhere on the spectrum, I guess unless we walk in his shoes we’ll never know, or not for years anyway, what the hell he’s up to here but his Twitter posts sure are no clue. Welp...time will tell.

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